S SIVAPRASAD's yak pad சி.சிவ பிரசாத்

Friday, April 22, 2005

Blogging in Tamil - தமிழில் வலைப்பதிதல்

Here's what you do:

1. Download the e-Kalappai editor. It is free and if you google, you will hit it quite easily.

2. Once you have it running, you can use notepad to type in Tamil. Just type the English sounds for the Tamil word and voila!

3. e-Kalappai uses a Tamil font called TSC. In order for the blog to be readable in browsers without having the special font installed, the TSC font has to be converted into Unicode. Here's the link for that: http://www.suratha.com/reader.htm

Just paste your tamil blog into the top text box. Choose the font you used (TSC, in this case) and you get your Unicode version in the textbox below.

4. Now, just paste your blog into blogger and you're done!


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